
3.0 Adjectives Introduction

This is the first article on adjectives where we discuss how to identify the adjectives and what work they do. Further, in new upcoming posts, we try to understand more on adjectives. This could be a short introduction to adjectives.

Grammar point: 3.0) Adjectives Introduction:

What are adjectives?

Adjectives are a noun that describes nouns and pronouns. They can be two or more in one sentence. Let’s understand the adjectives by the help of the illustrative image below.
The Ultimate guide to Learn English Grammar for the Real-world, English Grammar, Adjectives introduction, Adjectives
The ultimate guide to Learn: Adjectives

      -         Describing shape from the image:
      1)    A big rectangle.
      2)    A small circle.
      3)    A simple star.
      4)    The striped star.

  More Examples:

- I have a beautiful dresses.
-She has a colorful dress.

Adjectives can describe singular or plural nouns as shown in the examples. All noun used in the sentence are underlined and all bold words are adjectives.

Similar way, we can describe pronouns by adjectives.

Pronouns: I, We, You, He, She, It, They.


      1)    They are happy.
      2)    It is interesting.
      3)    She is beautiful.

Here, underlined words are pronouns and bolded are adjectives.

Identification of adjectives:

    1.    By common adjective endings


   2.    By the structure of the sentence

Subject + linking verb + adjectives

Common linking verbs:
-         Appear, Be, Become Test, See, Smell, Look, Seem, Feel, Sound, etc.

For instance,
i. It tests best!
ii. The teacher looked angry.
iii. The atmosphere in the campus sounds cool.

The linking verbs can be in any tense.
For instance,
-         Present
-         Past
-         Perfect
-         Future

Article + Adjective + noun

          iv. The ripe oranges.
          v. A smart city.
          vi. A good student.


These are a few examples of adjectives it can be used in many forms.

In the nutshell, as we have promised answered the question of what adjectives do and how we can identify them. Stay tuned for learning more about adjectives, if you have any comments or questions related to this topic or any other topics covered in this site then write it in the comment section, we’ll happy to help you.

(The initiative by MOOC Learning World)

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