
3.1 Adjectives order

This is a continuation article on Adjectives. If you have not reviewed the first post of this grammar point, then you should review that first. In the first article no. 3.0 we introduced adjectives from the basic level.  


By now, in this article, we will learn more about adjective and learn how to use them in the correct order when two or more adjectives are used within a one sentence structure. We have already covered in-depth portion of an adjective where we show examples with an image containing different shapes. 

Furthermore, we are going to explain the correct sequence of using adjectives. Here, we will introduce you to a magnetic personality. I personally inspired by his speeches and short talks on YouTube. A storyteller, Life coach, Engineer, and Monk he is Gaur Gopal Das. This is one of the short videos from him entitledGrowth begins at the end of the Comfort Zone.’ 

Video Source: Growth begins at the end of the Comfort Zone by Gaur Gopal Das on YouTube.

(Growth begins at the end of the Comfort Zone by Gaur Gopal Das. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 24 December 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG3CvpkDvWw&t=108s)

Here at the beginning of the story, 
he said:

“There was a king who received a very special gift two beautiful, magnificent, peregrine falcon.”

Grammar point: 3.1) Adjective order:

Adjectives are already discussed in the previous blog (Adjective clause), for recalling adjectives are nouns that describe noun or pronoun. For instance, in the story, ‘the frustrated king said to his minister.’ However, when two or three adjectives are used in the same sentence, then we should take care of maintaining the correct order. How can you use two or more adjectives to detail a noun? Here is an appropriate order of it.

The Ultimate Guide To Learn English Intermediate Grammar for the Real World.  Learn Grammar, Adjectives order, Past perfect tense, Adjective clause with ‘Which.’
Fig. 3.1.1 The Ultimate Guide To Learn Order of Adjectives 

The Ultimate Guide To Learn English Intermediate Grammar for the Real World.  Learn Grammar, Adjectives order, Past perfect tense, Adjective clause with ‘Which.’
Fig. 3.1.2 Example: Order of Adjectives
Here, in the second image (Fig. 3.1.2), we have a solution to easily remember the order by the sentence formed in the image.

-Now on small slim couches a cat puts on magic pajamas. 

In our example,

“There was a king who received a very special gift two beautiful, magnificent, peregrine falcon.”

An appropriate order used:

A number (two), opinion (beautiful), condition (magnificent), origin (Peregrine).

Here we come to the end this article but you learn a lot from this website.

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